1-20 of 29 results
Price: Offers LandLot 204 Winery Drive, Karnup, WA 6176
Price: $50,000 and higher Land21-23 Queen Street, Pingelly, WA 6308
Price: $365,000 Land12/12 Boyd Cresent, Hamilton Hill, WA 6163
Price: $94,500 Land7 Severn Close, Cape Burney, WA 6532
Price: Offers from $5,000,000 LandLot 31 Forrest Beach Road, Wonnerup, WA 6280
Price: All offers considered Land25 Gunwale Elbow, Geographe, WA 6280
Price: $350,000 Land1/66 Peel Terrace, Busselton, WA 6280
Price: $380,000 Land13 Pandjang Approach, Eglinton, WA 6034
Price: $75,000 Land22B Menston Street, Mount Barker, WA 6324
Price: $149,000 Land22 Centrolepis Circuit, Kalbarri, WA 6536
Price: offers above $410,000 LandClarkson, WA 6030
Price: $40,000 ONO Land10 Andover Street, Katanning, WA 6317
Price: $585,000 LandLot 32/17 Paradise Place, Wilyabrup, WA 6280
Price: $1,820,000 - $2,000,000 Land28 Beach Road, Coogee, WA 6166
Price: Offers in the $600,000s Land170 Rollinghills Drive, Brigadoon, WA 6069
Price: $155,000 Land5 Emma Place, South Hedland, WA 6722
Price: $500,000 Land81 Glendinning Road, Tarcoola Beach, WA 6530
Price: Rare Unit Site from $410,000 Plus GST Land20 Golden Beryl Ave, Australind, WA 6233
Price: POA LandLot 51 Port Gregory Road, Yallabatharra, WA 6535
Price: Offers above $545,000 Land20 St Georges Crescent, Goode Beach, WA 6330